- Sample Feedback 2021-22
- List of full time teachers 2021-22
- Post Matric Scholarship 2021-22
- Number of students availing various scholarship scheme 2021-22
- Employees Children Welfare Scholarship Scheme 2021-22
- Self Study Report 2022
- Institutional Distinctiveness
- Awards and medals 2015-19
- Courses on Professional Ethics, Gender
- List of full time teachers Dept. wise
- Department wise full time teachers July 2019-June 2020
- Employee's Children Scheme Beneficiaries
- Extension Activities (2016-2021)
- Extension Activities(2015-2020)
- Sports and Cultural events
- Two Best Practices of the College
- Students Progression to Higher Education
- Workshops and Seminars on Entrepreneurship and Skill Development
- Workshops, Seminars, 2016-'21
- Workshops, Seminars, 2015-'20
- Field Projects or Internship (2019-20)
- Post matric Scholarship Scheme Minorities Report 2016-2020
- Exam related complaints
- Finance - Developing facilities
- Finance - Infrastructure Augmentation
- Finance - Maintenance of Physical facilities
- Finance - Non Govt bodies
- List of Applicants and Admitted Students 2020-2021
- Applicants and students admitted (July 2015-2020)
- Dept wise teachers appointed(July2015-2020)
- Employee's Children Scheme Beneficiaries
- Student Placement during the last 5 yrs
- Enrolment based on Reservation Policy
- No. of students in all Progs.
- Reservation of seats for admission(2020-21)
- Reservation of seats for admission (2015 - 2016)
- Reservation of seats for admission(2016-17)
- Reservation of seats for admission(2017-18)
- Reservation of seats for admission(2018-19)
- Reservation of seats for admission(2019-20)
- Sanction of Posts