Internship and Projects
Field Works and Visits

- Final year project 2021 for BCS 262
- Final year project 2021 for BCA 262
- Field Trip to Nagaland ZoologicalPark, 7th December 2021. Field trip Environmental Science
- Field Work – Dissertation Project 2020
Field work report Dept. of EVS
Field work report Dept of Geology
- One Day field training project from Patkai to Kukidolong under the guidance of Daripong Jamir on October 23, 2021.
- One day field visit to Bokajan Cement Factory, Assam, under the guidance of Amongla Ao on April 17, 2021.
- One-day traverse mapping from Patkai to Seithekema under the guidance of Dr. Devala and Dr. Kowete-u Sekhamo on October 16, 2021.
- One-day hydro-geomorphological field work from Patkai to Medziphema under the guidance of Dr. Rudowhelie Peseyie on November6, 2021.
- Field visit to Nagaland ZoologicalPark, 7th December 2021.
Field work report Dept . of Zoology Field visit and lecture on “Animal Cloning scope and awareness” on 12th November
Lectures, Workshops & Seminars
A talk on Legal rights of Women in India by Apila Sangtam, Advocate Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, and Panel Lawyer, Kohima District Legal Services Authority (KDLSA), October 22, 2021
Botany Department Lecture Series April 16, 2021
Lecture 1: “Sustainable utilization of plant resources” by Dr Mechiiselie Kehie, a DBT-Research Associate, National overseas Scholarship, DST-Young Scientist Fellow and Firebird Fellow, USA.
Lecture 2: “Application of Ecological Niche Models in species conservation efforts” by Dr Viheno Iralu, Assistant Professor, Environmental Science, Patkai Christian College(Autonomous).
Webinar_Edu 1Webinar on “A general overview of Chinese Education” by Hepuni Kayina, MA (Eng), BEd TESOL (Wheaton College), formerly English teacher at University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. October 15, 2021.
Webinar_Edu 2 Webinar on “An Introduction to Vedic Philosophy” with Vipievono Kehie, Research Scholar, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay. October 20, 2021.

History Department webinar series on History, Culture and Society. September 9 to October 6, 2021.
Webinar on “Journalism without fear or favour” on the occasion of National Press Day on November 16, 2020.
- Workshop on “New Radio, New World” February 13, 2021
Webinar on Cinema, Theatre and Peace on March 27, 2021.
Departmental Talk on “Filmmaking, Festivals and Fourth Wall” in collaboration with Film Association of Nagaland on October 7, 2021.
Media Talk on “Journalism in a Post Truth Era” in collaboration with Mizoram University on November 16, 2021.
- YUVA Career Choices after graduation, April 12, 2021.
- Lecture Series_Political Science Use of Internet Resources in Research by Ranjan Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Sciences, Patkai Christian College. September 28, 2021.
- Special Lecture_Political Sc Special Lecture on Contemporary Theories: Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Atosu Hibo, Asst.Prof, Department of Commerce, Patkai Christian College. October 21, 2021.
- Pol Sc lecture series Political Science Department Lecture series on Research Methodology. October 25 to 29, 2021.