Department of english
English is the world’s leading lingua franca, the main vehicle of communication, an indispensable tool of international economy, diplomacy, sciences and global media. The language represents the cross cultural global contextualisation in multiple voices. Its study is essentially a selected dimension of theoretical, ideological, applied and pedagogical constructs related to unprecedented spread of English in the world contexts. The transplanted English in new linguistic, cultural and social milieus entails teaching and learning English in multilingual situation with genetically and culturally language contexts. The discipline offers a wide, comprehensive and carefully planned syllabi to understand, critically appreciate and assess the history, genres of literature down the ages, ranging from poetry, drama, essays, fiction, criticism, efficiency in linguistics and phonetics, journalistic writing and to effective communication skills. Literature presents a picture of life, a precise account of variousness, possibility and concrete dramatization of “lived” meanings. It’s charged with power to the utmost degree, enlivens the reader with pleasure, a graceful ornament of civil liberty and has the art of saying something that will be read twice.
- Adult Educators
- Material Writers
- Program Administrators
- Bilingual Teaching
- Educational Publishing Editors
- Advertising Copy Writers
- Publishing Publicist
- Literary Agents
- Language Resource Developers
- Language Policy Consultants
- International Cultural Relations
- Spoken English Consultants
- Management and Administration
Faculty Profile

Tiakala Shimray
Assistant Professor
M.A (North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya) |
Area of Interest :

Dr. Sazono Sibo
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.A (Manipur University), M.Phil. (PRIST University,Tamil Nadu), PhD (PRIST University, Tamil Nadu) |
Area of Interest :

Ruleto Vakha
Assistant Professor
M.A (Nagaland University), NET |
Email :
Area of Interest :

Assistant Professor
M.A (Nowrosjee Wadia College, Pune), NET- JRF |
Email :
Area of Interest :

Dr. Zulusenla
Assistant Professor
MM.A (Nagaland University) NET, Ph.D (Nagaland University) |
Email :
Area of Interest :
Department of economics
Economics isn’t just a subject; it is a way of thinking. Economics is essential for modern life, because it seeks to understand, assess and explain the mechanisms of markets and national economies. Learning economics gives insights into the general environment of resource allocation decisions, opportunity costs and project evaluation that are crucially important in many areas. It teaches how to analyse and interpret economic data and equip the students with the tools to find smart solutions for the numerous problems confronting public and private sectors.
- Teaching and Research
- Ministry of Trade and Commerce
- Banking
- Local Government and Planning Departments
- Commercial and Industrial
- Investment Firms
- Companies
- Stock Broking
- Mining
Faculty Profile

Dr. Rovizonuo Angami
Assistant Professor
M.A (M.G. University) NET Ph.D (ICFAI University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Imlisunep Changkery
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.A. (North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya), NET Ph.D. (North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr Aosenla Pongen
Assistant Professor
M.A. (University of Hyderabad), JRF-NET Ph.D. (ICFAI University Nagaland ) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of education
Education as a subject was introduced by Indian Education Commission (1964-66) to encourage and promote teaching profession. Education is multi-disciplinary in nature, having relations with various subjects of Social Sciences, Humanities, Management and Sciences. It focuses on equipping the students with different aspects of knowledge for their wholesome personality development and prepares them to take up responsibilities and effectively discharge their duties as citizens.
- Counselling
- Entrepreneurship
- Community Worker
- Management and Administration
- Teaching and Research
- Social Worker
Faculty Profile

Neilevono Vupru
M.A (Nagaland University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Kaisii Losa
M.A (Nagaland University), NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Razoukhrulu Curhah
Assistant Professor
M.A (Nagaland University), B.ED, NET- JRF |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Assistant Professor
M.A M.A. (Nagaland University), NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of history
Considered as the ‘Mother of Social Sciences’ and the ‘Storehouse of Knowledge’, History provides an array of information about the past events. Moreover, it enables a better understanding of the present in the light of a proper study of the past. And in the process of imbibing knowledge, one can develop the capacity to analyse evidence, think critically and communicate effectively. The discipline offers courses extending from the beginning of human civilization to the most immediate past. The courses are regularly updated reflecting the latest developments in historical research.
- Historian
- Research
- Curator in Museums
- Administration
- Tourism
- Government and Policy Formation
- Teaching
- Media

Mr. Rallo Patton
Assistant Professor
MA – Nagaland University (NET) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Opangtula Imsong
HOD, Assistant Professor
MA – University of Hyderabad MPhil – University of Hyderabad Ph.D. – University of Hyderabad |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Mr. Bauna Panmei
Assistant Professor
MA – Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi MPhil – JNU, New Delhi PhD – Pursuing from JNU, New Delhi |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Khrienuo Ltu
Assistant Professor
MA – University of Hyderabad, 2007 MPhil – University of Hyderabad, 2010 Ph.D. – University of Hyderabad, 2015 |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of philosophy
“It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.” – Rene Descartes
Why study Philosophy?
To help you
- Develop good interpretive and comparative analytical skills
- Enhance your problem-solving capacities
- Construct and communicate sound complex arguments
- Improve descriptive and rigorous writing skills
- Develop critical assessment ability
- Examine and think on any subject matters thoroughly.
What can I do with a Philosophy degree? The skills offered by Philosophy in verbal and written communication, problem solving, clear and disciplined thinking and analysis, along with persuasive argumentation are directly applicable to other disciplines and professional careers.
- Law
- Theology
- Psychology
- Counseling
- Writing based professions
- Journalism
- Marketing
- Consulting
- Entrepreneurship
- Business Administration
- Politics
- Teaching
- Civil Services
- Information Technology
- Computer Programming
Courses Offered
The department provides an extensive list of courses under the Choice-Based Credit System along with exposure to research methodology leading to a thesis, where the students can apply the fundamental principles to tackle real-world problems.
Faculty Profile

Dr. Wojanbeni S Yanthan
Assistant Professor
M.A (Delhi University, Delhi), Ph.D (North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya) |
Email :
Area of Interest:

Mr. Mhao Tungoe
Assistant Professor
M.A (North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya), NET |
Email :
Area of Interest:

Mr. Bendangnungsang
Assistant Professor
M.A (North Eastern Hill University,Meghalaya), NET |
Email :
Area of Interest:
Department of political science
Known as the ‘Master of Science’, Political Science as a discipline introduces the students to the evolution and usages of various ideological and theoretical standpoints with a view to critically understand and explain from different perspectives the structure and functioning of modern states and governance. The ideologies and theories are tested, verified and analysed through the study of different systems: national, regional and international organisations and non-governmental organisations. The discipline is designed to inform and inculcate a critical mindset to examine the structural-functional aspects of governance vis-a-vis the wholesome development and progression of human society.
- Teaching and Research
- Media and Current Affairs
- Administration and Policy Formation
- Publishing and Editing
- Civil Services
Faculty Profile

Dr. Renchumi Kikon Kuotsu
Assistant Professor
M.A – NEHU 1997, PhD – NIT Nagaland 2018, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Eniro Murry
Assistant Professor
M.A. – Nagaland University 1999, PhD – Assam Don Bosco University, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

A.G. Samuel
Assistant Professor
M.A. – Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 2002, PhD – Pursuing from ICFAI university, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Wetshete Thopi
M.A – NEHU 2007, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Ruokoneino Ziekhru
Assistant Professor
M.A.- Gauhati University 2009 , PhD – Pursuing, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Zhoto Tunyi
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.A. – University of Hyderabad, Telangana 2009, M. Phil. – University of Hyderabad, Telangana 2011, Ph.D. – North Eastern Hill University, Shillong 2018, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Yanbeni Kikon
Assistant Professor
M.A. – University of Hyderabad, Telangana, 2008 MPhil – Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2010, Ph.D. – Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2018, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Masourhii Mary Pou
Assistant Professor
M.A. – Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2018 MPhil – Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2023, NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of botany
Botany is a branch of the natural science dealing with the study of plant life. The study introduces students to the interesting and complexities of the structure, function and relationship of plants. An essential background to this study is the opening up of the vast knowledge of plants evolutionary history, life structure, functions and relationship by integrating knowledge from molecular level to the whole of unicellular and multicellular organism. And that this knowledge being principally integrated and supported with practical and field work provides valuable skills. Exposure programme including field study, poster presentation, seminars, research projects, visits related institution, etc. for proper understanding of the function of systems is an important activity of the department. Specialized courses in Tissue Culture, Angiospermic Taxonomy and Ethanobotany are offered by the department.
- Taxonomy
- Biochemistry
- Wildlife Science
- Marine Biology
- Ecology
- Sugar Technology
- Conservation Biology
- Genetic Engineering
- Forensic Sciences
- Floriculture
- Microbiology
- Wood Technology
- Mushroom Cultivation
- Tissue Culture
- Biotechnology
- Environmental Science
- Environment Law
- Bioinformatics
- Environment Management
- Biofertilizer
- Rubber Plantation
- Bamboo Technology
- Medicinal and Aromatic
- Plant Cultivation
- Rural Management
- Remote Sensing
Faculty Profile

Avono Savino
Assistant Professor
M.SC (Univeristy of Pune) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Ningombam Premkumar Singh
DEAN, Assistant Professor
M.Sc (Manipur University) Ph.D. (NERIST, Nirjuli, AP) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Reingamla Tetso
Assistant Professor
M.SC (Madras Univeristy), Ph.D. (Rajiv Gandhi University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Amay Angami
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.SC (North Eastern Hill Univeristy, Meghalaya) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Thejanuo Rhetso
Assistant Professor
M.Sc (Bangalore University), NET, Ph.D. (Bangalore University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Sureni Yanthan
Assistant Professor
M.Sc (University of Pune) Ph.D. (NEHU, Shillong) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Huvezo Thingo
Assistant Professor
M.Sc (Nagaland University), NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of chemistry
Chemistry is a centre science based on experimental facts that are concerned with the knowledge of natural world, discoveries, ideas, inventions and experiments that significantly change human’s understanding of modern science. The knowledge of chemistry in areas such as environmental control, toxicology, pharmacy, food science, nutrition, ocean as a sourced of raw materials, biochemical process, new source of energy, new novel materials etc. is of paramount importance of humanity. More theories developed and more applications are found, that are indication that chemistry continues to grow as an intellectual discipline in areas of research leading to many development. Many events considered centre to our modern understanding of chemistry are also considered by discoveries in such field as physics, biology, astronomy, geology, material science to name a few.
- In government departments dealing with the environment
- Pharmaceutical
- Monitoring product composition and quality
- Manufacturing Chemicals
- Independent clinical laboratories
- Health
- Environmental monitoring and regulation
- Teaching and research
- Administration among others
- Industries
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor
M.SC(North Eastern Hill University) |
Email :

Dr. Merangmenla
Assistant Professor
M.SC.(Nagaland Univeristy), Ph.D.(NIT, Nagaland) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. T. Moaienla Ao
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.SC (Nagaland University), Ph.D.(Nagaland University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Bendangsenla N
Assistant Professor
M.SC.(Nagaland Univeristy), Ph.D.(Nagaland University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of geology
Geology is a field-oriented, scientific discipline, which investigates the properties of the earth, its substances, shapes, processes and history. The course of the Under Graduate (BSc.) level of this multi-disciplinary subject is designed to impart sound theoretical and practical knowledge to the students about minerals (mineralogy), rocks (petrology), the structure of the Earth (structural geology), volcanic phenomena (volcanology), landforms and the processes that produce them (geomorphology and glaciology), study of fossils (palaeontology) and the development of sedimentary strata (stratigraphy). The course also encompasses the study of natural hazards like earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides and floods. Since geology is related to environment, a large portion will be taught outdoors. So, field works form an integral part of the degree programme. It may include collection of geologic data, constructing a measured section, interpreting geologic structures and geologic mapping.
By studying geology, one can become a Marine geologist, Petrologist, Mineralogist, Geohydrologist, Hydrologist, Palaeontologist and Seismologist among others.
Geological Survey of India, Central Ground Water Board, ONGC, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mineral Exploration Authority, Indian Space Research Organisation, Private Companies dealing with Mineral Explorations, etc.
Faculty Profile

Dr. R. Peseyie
Vice Principal, Assistant Professor
M.SC (Pune University), PhD (Nagaland University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Thepfuvilie Pieru
M.Sc (Nagaland University) Ph.D. (Kumaun University, Nainital) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Thokchom Devala Devi
Assistant Professor
M.SC (Manipur Univeristy), Ph.D. (Manipur Univeristy) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Kowete-u Sekhamo
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.SC (Bangalore Univeristy), NET-JRF, Ph.D. (Delhi University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Mrs. Amongla Ao
Assistant Professor
MM.Sc (Cotton College State University, Assam) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Ajano Khalo
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.SC (Department of Geology, Nagaland Univeristy), NET(JRF) Ph.D. (Department of Earth Science, Assam University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Daripong Jamir
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. (Nagaland University), NET |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Vilavonuo Keditsu
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. (Nagaland University), NET, PhD (Nagaland University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of Mathematics
Mathematics is as old as civilization itself and is one of the most useful and fascinating branches of human knowledge. Broadly, Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure and change. Mathematics is an essential tool for nearly all scientific studies. Scientists use it in designing experiments, analyzing data, expressing precisely their findings by mathematical formulae, and making predictions on the basis of these findings. Both physical sciences and biological sciences rely heavily on mathematics. Social Sciences, Economics, Psychology and Sociology also depend greatly on Statistics and several other branches of mathematics.
Add Your Heading Text Here
- Teaching and Research
- Insurance Sector
- Banking Sector
- Software and Computing
- Combined Defense Service
- Market Research
- Cryptology
- Data Analyst
- Operations Research Analysts
Faculty Profile

Biswajit Singh
Assistant Professor
M.Sc – NEHU, 1996 |
Email :

Binod Chetry
Assistant Professor
M.Sc – Dibrugarh University |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Subhajit Roy
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.Sc. – St. Joseph University, Nagaland |
Email :

Minchai S Konyak
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. – Delhi University |
Email :

Dr Waikhom Henarita Chanu
Assistant Professor
BSc., M.Sc.- Mathematics , Ph.D (Numerical Analysis) |
Email :
Department of physics
Physics deals with everything in physical universe from mega scale to micro scale which includes structure of the universe to atoms. Physics is also the basis of all modern technological advancements in various fields. The study of theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, relativity, etc. are based on highly abstract thoughts and calculations whereas mechanics, electricity, thermodynamics, solid state physics, electronics, nuclear physics, etc. are the bases of modern technology. Our course is the balanced mixture different branches of physics which has both theoretical and applied perspectives. Students can have introduction to research field through research projects.
- Physics
- Astro Physics
- Meterology
- Climate Change
- Medical physics
- Nuclear Physics and Technology
- Geophysics
- Oceanography
- Defence Service such as Air Force, Navy
- Telecommunication Industry
- Civil Services
- Software Industry
- Teaching and Research
- Banks and Allied Financial Organizations
Faculty Profile

Dr. Anal Chandra Sarma
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. (Gauhati University) M. Tech.(Tezpur University) Ph.D.(Assam University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Panchanan Thakur
HOD, Assistant Professor
M. Sc – Bangalore University, 2012 |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Rachel Imsong
Assistant Professor
(On Study Leave)
M.Sc. (Nagaland University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Molongnenla Jamir
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. – Savitribai Phule Pune University 2016, Ph.D – NIT Nagaland, 2023 |
Email : |
Areas of Interest :

Sujit Sharma
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. – NEHU, Shillong, 2021 |
Email : |
Areas of Interest :

Abhishek Baruah
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. – Dibrugarh University, 2021, Ph.D – Pursuing from Dibrugarh University |
Email : |
Areas of Interest :

Ms. Vethitsolu Soho
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. – St. Joseph University |
Email : |
Areas of Interest :
Department of zoology
Zoology as a discipline introduces students to the complexities of animal system by integrating knowledge from biology of cells to the behaviour of the whole organisms. Students will get to know about animal behaviour, reproduction, physiology, biochemistry, endocrinology, immunology, genetics, wildlife and its conservation, taxonomy, biotechnology, bio-informatics, parasitology, biophysics, ecology, fishery, etc. All these combined with practical work, fieldwork, projects, seminars, debate and workshop provide valuable information and skills that will help them to make a career of their choice.
- Academia and Research
- Administrative Services
- Pest Control Companies
- Forensic Analyst
- Fishery
- Sericulture
- Medical Coding Executive
- Animal and Wildlife Educators
- Environmental Consultant
- Wildlife Biologist
- Field Workers in Zoological Survey of India
Faculty Profile

Angel Sonari
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. – North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Dey Baidya
COE, Assistant Professor
M.Sc (Life Science, Dibrugarh University,Assam) Ph. D.(Dibrugarh University,Assam) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. R. Achila
M.SC (Univeristy of Pune), NET-CSIR JRF, PhD (Jamia , Millia Islamia University, Delhi) |
Email : |
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Kensibo Pamai
Assistant Professor
M.Sc – North Eastern Hill University, Shillong Meghalaya, 2012, Ph.D. – North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya, 2017 , NET/JRF: NET in Environmental Science |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Zevelou Koza
Assistant Professor
M.Sc – Madras Christian College, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 2012, Ph.D. – Nagaland University, 2022 , NET/JRF: CSIR/NET Qualified |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr. Sentiyanger Longkumer
Assistant Professor
M.Sc – Nagaland University, Lumami, 2016 Ph.D. – Nagaland University, 2023 |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Department of commerce
Commerce as a discipline of study broadens the horizon of men towards creative thinking, innovative practices, professional managerial conducts, and self sustainability. It focuses on the factors that drive economic behaviour at both individual and organisational level. The study empowers the analytical, communicational and problem-solving skills to effectively identify issues, source information and find efficient and practical solutions. The course is designed extensively to impart knowledge in the field of accounting, management, marketing, entrepreneurship, taxation, and law. This would generate the spirit of self-employment and strengthen human resource development in various capacities.
- Chartered Accountancy
- Hotel Management
- Company Secretaryship
- Accountant
- Stock Market
- Entrepreneur
- Cost and Works Accountancy
- Financial Advisor
- Database Programmer
- Banking & Insurance
- Law
- Civil Services
Faculty Profile

Husatolu Neikha
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.Com (Nagaland University), Ph. D. (Pursuing from ICFAI University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Zakir Alam
Assistant Professor
M.Com. (Assam University) Ph.D. (Pursuing from Assam University, Silchar) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Dr Atosü Hibo
Assistant Professor
M.Com (Nagaland University), NET, Ph.D. (Nagaland University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Assistant Professor
M.Com. (Guwahati University), NET MBA (NU), NET JRF Pursuing PhD |
Email :
Areas of Interest :
Computer Science & IT
Department of Computer Science & IT
The Department of Computer Science and IT offers BCA course. The basic motto of the department is to provide high quality education. Computer science education works on preparing future technology leaders and innovators. The department is indeed special, offering students and faculty an unusual blend of very high expectations and exceptional quality of life. The department strives to inculcate conceptual and technical skills in students through a modern scientific teaching methodology. The systematic approach to problem solving is emphasized in the classrooms and laboratories as well as through the course projects and additional computer training beyond the scope of the syllabus.
- To develop problem solving abilities using a computer
- To build the necessary skill set and analytical abilities for developing Computer based solutions for real life problems.
- To imbibe quality software development practices. To create awareness about Process
- To train students in professional skills related to Software Industry and IT enabled services
- To prepare necessary knowledge base for appearing in competitive exams and development in Computer Science for higher studies.
- To help students build-up a successful career in Computer Applications.
- Software Developer
- Technical Support Engineer
- Software Engineer
- Testing Engineer
- Program Officer
- Database Manager
- Data Analyst
- Database Programmer
- Web Designer and Developer
Faculty Profile

Er. Rokomhalie Angami
Assistant Professor
B. Tech (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Univeristy) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Ranjan Das
HOD, Assistant Professor
M. Tech (Information Technolgy, Tezpur Univeristy) Ph.D. (pursuing from Assam Don Bosco University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Amanda Ajano Koza
Assistant Professor
MCA (Assam Don Bosco University |
Email : |
Areas of Interest :
Multimedia and Mass Communication
Mass Communication (UG)
BA (Hons) MASS Communication
Introduction Mass Communication is a well established discipline but highly interdisciplinary in nature. The discipline studies communication as an imperative agent of social order and social change. The course focuses on media in all its forms and offers a systematic progression of skills-based, industry-relevant, hands-on production work and theoretical papers allowing students to experience full range of technical expertise, conceptual skills and artistic expression required to become accomplished media practitioners. In a social and technological environment where media, art and communication converge, the course will help students engage with a diverse landscape of screens, platforms and audiences. The department studies the processes and effects of mass communication: the nature and social role of various media; their structure, function, and ethics; and their impact on the political system, culture, and society. In this context, it considers not only traditional mass media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and film, but also information technology, online media, virtual reality, and the internet.
- Communication Officers:- UN – WHO – UNICEF – Central govt. schemes and projects
- Editor: – Video – Newspaper – Magazine – Photography – Music
- Public Relation Officer: – Govt. depts. – Political PROs – Corporate sectors – Business firms – Educational Institutes, – Media
- Documentation officer
- Corporate communication
- Journalist
- Communication Specialist
- TV Anchor
- Video Jockey
- Civil services
- Sound Engineer
- Event manager/ Event planner
Faculty Profile

Dr. Dakter Esse
HOD, Assistant Professor
M.A (Univeristy of Hyderabad), Ph.D. (Tezpur University) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Mr. Rojenn Wahengbam
Assistant Professor
MA (Mass Communication, Manipur University), M. Phil (Rajiv Gandhi University), Ph.D. (Pursuing from NIT Nagaland) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Mr. Sopei Joel Rungsung
Assistant Professor
(On Study Leave)
MA Communication (University of Hyderabad) |
Email :
Areas of Interest :

Ms. Sansan Lotha
(Against Leave vacancy)
PGD in Mass Communication – IIMC, Odisha, MA – IGNOU |
Email :
Areas of Interest :